March 16, 2014
JAMES MADISON’S BIRWe all keep learning. I didn’t know that James Madison’s birthday, today, is also observed as Freedom of Information Day. That’s because the Fourth President of the United States, born in 1751, said some very important things. One thing I don’t want to do in this spot is talk politics. This blog is to be a focus for reasons for daily celebrations. But what part of the body Demopublican you represent, weRead More
March 15, 2014
March 15 The Ides of March – Don’t Turn Your Back Day
Brutus Day, the Ides of March. Not such a good day for Julius Caesar, but you know how it is. Somebody wins, Somebody et tus. Not what you’d call conventionally good looking. Lots of other reasons to celebrate today. For one thing, it is the birthday of my Number One Son. I was going to post an adorable baby picture of him, but the kids will just yell at me. He was much smallerRead More
March 14, 2014
Happy Birthday, Albert!
Albert and I never had much in common, still I’m glad he was here! TODAY IS ALBERT EINSTEIN’S BIRTHDAY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALBERT. Albert asked lots of questions I never even dreamed needed asking so it’s fitting that today is also International Ask A Question Day. This is our day to ask life’s imponderable and pretty much unanswerable questions. Or even ridiculous and dumb questions. Like, “How did you get all ruined like that” as oneRead More
March 13, 2014
HERE IT IS! THE DAY WE’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR BREATHLESSLY. Take a breath now. Only four days ago we celebrated Barbie Day and now today is KEN Day. Ken came along two years after Barbie, and it’s a funny thing that although The first Ken Doll generations of outraged Moms have complained about Barbie’s super frontal endowment giving their daughters a poor body image, this same group is strangely silent about the problemRead More
Well, here’s swell news. Today, March 11, is World Plumbing Day. How’s that for a treat. Don’t get me wrong. If you pour boiling water on a black cobra he might go away. Or he might be really, really annoyed. I’m crazy about plumbing. When we lived in Taiwan we didn’t have any, and we certainly missed it. And we were on a cobra route. This is true. There was no plumbing leaving the houseRead More
March 10, 2014
IT’S DREAM DAY, NAPPING DAY, AWESOMENESS DAY, PACK YOUR LUNCH DAY, MARIO DAY AND FILL OUR STAPLERS DAY. If you can’t get a day of celebration out of these possibilities, you’re missing something. What dream have you caught lately. Let’s start with Dream Day. That’s easy. Anybody can dream. Get out your Dream Catcher and test it. Don’t have a Dream catcher? There’s plenty of time to make one. Dream Day was created by anRead More
March 9, 2014
5 Causes for Celebration today – Pick one or mix and match.March 9 Chose from – Barbie Day She cam first, and was definitely world weary. – You get a lot of teachable moments when you have Barbies and Kens having sleep overs. March 9 is also Panic Day – “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs – there’s a good chance you don’t really understand the situation. ButRead More
March 8, 2014
Of course today March 8 is International Women’s Day and I wouldn’t want to miss this chance to greet all of the wonderful women who’ve made my life worthwhile, or more interesting or sometimes scarier. What all girls wear for sliding down wires The first would be my Mom who ruined my life on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. There she is in the sailor outfit she was wearing the night she slid down a guyRead More
March 6, 2014
Astonishing March 6 – National Frozen Food Day
When I was growing up in Montana we celebrated Frozen Food Day by burying food outside in the snow. They are always hungry But then the bears (black and grizzly) would come and dig it up, and eat it, and look around for a person for dessert. So my Dad built a cold box, and as far as I know, that was the first household freezer. You were supposed to hang up the food whereRead More
IMAGINE. IT’S ALSO NATIONAL CHEESE DOODLE DAY. TODAY IS There’s no record of who originated this day or why. Cheese Doodles are irresistible. They also leave you painted a bright, indelible yellow orange. How should we celebrate Cheese Doodle Day? Here’s what says about it. “While cheesy cornmeal snacks can be enjoyed all year round, they are best enjoyed on Cheese Doodle Day. While there are many variations on the snack food, which isRead More