No aliens in our place today, Nope! On June 24 1997, the US Air Force issued its famous report “Roswell-Case closed!” saying that there were not there were not and had never been flying saucers or alien aircraft as had been reported in June of 1947, fifty years earlier. Today is the anniversary of that No Aliens Here – Nope report – and I say they’re wrong. In 1950 I worked in a Civil DefenseRead More
June 24, 2014
Celebrate Today! Monday, June 23 is Let It Go Day
Here’s a day to get excited about. Today, Monday June 23, 2014 is officially the day to Keep Calm. Today is Let It Go Day. If you’ve been worrying, fretting, or regretting, this is the day to let it go and move on. If the worries creep out, stomp on the box and make them get back in. Are you a person who says “Oh, I try but I just can’t let go.” Try theseRead More
June 20, 2014
Celebrate Today! June 19 is Garfield the Cat Day
Garfield The Cat Day According to Days of the Year, Garfield the Cat day is celebrated annually on June 19. Garfield was famously created by cartoonist Jim Davis and first appeared in a cartoon strip on the 19th of June 1978. Topical subjects focused on are: obsessive eating, love for lasagne and a distaste of Mondays with Garfield taking our place dealing with these agonizing subjects. We all love Garfield, even if we can’t stand himGarfield theRead More
Celebrate Today! Monday June 16 is Fresh Veggies Day and Fudge Day. You can put those together anyway you want. Hardly anybody gets enough fresh veggies, and you can’t get enough fudge so probably the best way to handle it is to make a green smoothie, using lots of veggies and a piece of fudge or two, whirr it a bit and that’s got to be healthy. I recently unboxed the smoothie blender that’s beenRead More
June 13, 2014
Celebrate The day! June 12 is Superman Day.
Dorothy Wilhelm – copyright 2013 You missed corn on the cob day yesterday. Your activity of laughter is to talk to some of the older people you see and ask them what corn cobs were used for in the good old days. But now today, here’s something to get your teeth into. Today is SUPERMAN DAY! by Dorothy Wilhelm – copyright 2012 I’m really disappointed in Superman. The action hero came to earth fromRead More
June 10, 2014
Today is a great day for lovers of Donald Duck or the University of Oregon. It’s Donald Duck Day. Rejoice. I once wrote a column about how I got through the whole first and second grade on the strength of a purloined drawing of Donald. You can read it at the bottom of this post. Donald Duck Day commemorates the first appearance of Donald Duck on June 9th 1934, when he featured in theRead More
June 7, 2014
D-Day the 6th of June; The Warbirds Fly Home
The War Birds flew again today. They flew over Omaha Beach and they flew right over my home town, over McNeil Street in my neighborhood, down to the Traffic Circle at Patriots Landing, an assisted living community for retired military where the last few veterans of the D-Day waited to see them. The flyover was a special treat arranged to honor them on this day still so fresh in their memories. TheRead More
Thursday, June 6 – is World Environment Day and Hot Air Balloon Day. or Use Laughter to create a Healthful Environment in your workplace Hot Air Ballooning: On the 19th of September 1783 Pilatre De Rozier, a scientist, launched the first hot air balloon called ‘Aerostat Reveillon’. The passengers were a sheep, a duck and a rooster and the balloon stayed in the air for a grand total of 15 minutes before crashing back toRead More
Employee Productivity Strategist Laura Stack says that if employees think they’re going to get to go home early once in awhile, they will Leave Work Early Day is June 2 actually get more done. This day was established in 2005 so if you haven’t been celebrating, you’ve got a lot to make up for. In the meantime, remember that taking a brief play break at work, can be almost a mini vacation. A few minutesRead More
CELEBRATE TODAY! CLIMB EVERY MOUNTAIN DAY TODAY is the anniversary of the day in 1953 that Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay reached the summit of Mt. Everest, something that had previously been impossible for climbers and explorers. Many people have reached the summit since, and so many adventurers attempt it Hillary & Tenzing that the government of Nepal requires every single climber to bring 17 pounds of rubbish with them when they come back downRead More