Garfield The Cat Day According to Days of the Year, Garfield the Cat day is celebrated annually on June 19. Garfield was famously created by cartoonist Jim Davis and first appeared in a cartoon strip on the 19th of June 1978. Topical subjects focused on are: obsessive eating, love for lasagne and a distaste of Mondays with Garfield taking our place dealing with these … [Read more...] about Celebrate Today! June 19 is Garfield the Cat Day
February is almost over so now it’s Inconvenience Yourself Day!
Today, February 25 is Inconvenience Yourself Day and Carnival Day. It's hard to believe that people will be excited about this day, but says it really is Inconvenience Yourself Day. As you read this, it looks as if it really is Go Out of Your Way for Someone Else Day. I like that a lot better. I'd like to hear your ideas for celebrating a day where you go … [Read more...] about February is almost over so now it’s Inconvenience Yourself Day!
Today, February 23, is Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
Finally, something we can get our teeth into. What are all the ways we might celebrate this unique day? Certainly it would be good to write a poem: Ode of Appreciation Oh, Dog Biscuit You brighten our days And our dog's teeth At the same time. Good day, Good breath How wonderful! I found this recipe for Vet Approved "Best of Breed" Dog Biscuits at … [Read more...] about Today, February 23, is Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
Worst Valentine Ever? Here’s How To Fix It!
My worst valentine came from a fellow who clearly had forgotten the day, left me in his truck with the motor running, while he ran into the drugstore to purchase a valentine. He brought it back and passed it through the truck window still in the brown bag. On the bright side, since it wasn’t written on, it could still be passed on. So could he. What’s the Good Word? If … [Read more...] about Worst Valentine Ever? Here’s How To Fix It!
Wednesday, January 22 is Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
Good Luck on that! Here’s your mid-week thought of laughter. Please share. Today, Wednesday, January 22, is Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day. This day confers a special obligation - in the first place, you’ve got to find a cat. Then you’ve got to find a cat who has questions. This will not be easy, because most cats already know everything. … [Read more...] about Wednesday, January 22 is Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
Eat A Live Toad for Breakfast and the Rest of the Day is Bound to Be better, Right?
A friend wrote recently that she feels blue in the morning. It’s hard to get up and get moving, she said. I know how she feels. Sometimes I just lie there wiggling my toes to see if I can feel any connection. You don’t want to wake up and say to yourself “Eeeek,morning!” You want to say, instead, “Ahh. Morning! What can I do today?” I’ve found that there are two things – … [Read more...] about Eat A Live Toad for Breakfast and the Rest of the Day is Bound to Be better, Right?
Laughin at the Library
Saturday morning at the DuPont Library. We had a great time sharing laughs and talking about my book, No Assembly Required. We talked about the fact that everyone needs to build their own laugh collection of material they can depend upon to make them laugh. We know that Dr. Norman Cousins wrote in the Healing Power of Humor that he watched The Three Stooges and Abbot and … [Read more...] about Laughin at the Library