Garfield The Cat Day According to Days of the Year, Garfield the Cat day is celebrated annually on June 19. Garfield was famously created by cartoonist Jim Davis and first appeared in a cartoon strip on the 19th of June 1978. Topical subjects focused on are: obsessive eating, love for lasagne and a distaste of Mondays with Garfield taking our place dealing with these … [Read more...] about Celebrate Today! June 19 is Garfield the Cat Day
Tai chi
May 14 – Dance Like a Chicken Day – Everybody Dance!
Today, May 14 is Dance Like A Chicken Day . "You'll be Poultry in Motion!" says Dr. Patt Schwab There’s no reference anywhere as to why this is so or why on earth you might want to do such a thing. But remember our aim is to celebrate every day, and this will certainly be an unusual celebration. But since we don't know why there's a Dance Like A Chicken Day, the only thing … [Read more...] about May 14 – Dance Like a Chicken Day – Everybody Dance!
Tai Chi Chump
I have a history of falls in unusual places. I’ve fallen going upstairs. I’ve fallen going downstairs. I’ve fallen just standing around. Once I fell into the Dairy Case at the supermarket, displacing several gallons of milk and completely demolishing 13 gallons of ice cream. I’ve accepted these unexpected spills as a fact of my life but when I spent a recent holiday in the … [Read more...] about Tai Chi Chump