I’ve had several messages today wondering why our posts aren’t in order with most recent at the top. I am glad to tell you. The computer is misbehaving and the pages aren’t loading properly. So last night I got tired and went off to bed. I think I’ve gotten it straightened out now. We shall see.
I got a message from Peggi Selden Rowe, in our chat about whether we still like to make our own gifts. Peggi says, “Peggi wrote: “If you want to put a little love in your Christmas, home made is where it’s at! Well, OK, keep fruit cake to a minimum!” Thanks, Peggi. Now, I blush to admit that I love fruitcake, and to me it isn’t Christmas if you don’t make at least some of your gifts. Has anyone got a really good and easy fruit cake recipe that people like?
Also, Sunie Levin, who is not a fan of making gifts, has some other ideas of the best ways to get ready for Christmas. “You might suggest to your readers to give ideas what they would do. i.e. Volunteer to help serving food to the needy. Spend time at nursing home, especially those who have no family. Rent a funny movie and invite some guests.
The holidays are coming, that wonderful glittery time of year that brings joy to the heart and family and friends close together. For many it is the most stressful time of the year when everyone in the world seems to be having the most wonderful and joyous time while you’re isolated and alone. Loneliness can be overwhelming when you have no one with whom to share holiday time. It doesn’t have to be that way. Do you know someone who’s also alone? Couldn’t the two of you team up? Couldn’t you invite them over for a nice holiday dinner? In fact, since making dinner for one person or a bunch takes just about the same effort, add a few names to the list, even if they’re people you actually don’t see very often. People tend to accept dinner invitations very easily. Chances are most will volunteer to bring a favorite dish. You might suggest that each person bring a toy or book so you can donate them to a shelter where the children would not otherwise have the toys.
Finally, Bonnie King wrote to suggest that we plan a year end Retrospective for New Years Day, so I would like to collect good things that happened in 2011, for the world, or for you personally. There may be prizes. Maybe not. You just never know. Just email them to me: