Is your house the only one in the neighborhood where there are no Christmas lights? Are you beginning to think the holidays are just too much trouble? Certainly, by the time you’re sixty plus holidays are not what they used to be. It’s fun as long as there are kids around, but now we have to look at the holidays from a different angle. How to make merry when you’re alone? Try these tips to put yourself in a holiday mood. They do work for the folks who share them, and they might work for you.
Create an instant holiday mood, by sprinkling cinnamon on a heated burner. Turn it down low. It will smell as if you have pie baking. Then you can slip out the Sara Lee. Don’t use too much cinnamon. I gave this tip on the air, and a lady called in to say she thought she must have used too much cinnamon, because her burner caught fire. Yes, that is more than the desired amount.
How about shopping. I’m doing a lot of shopping online. I used to love to make gifts. I still do, but I don’t make as many as I used to, so I was glad to see an article in Best Food Magazine in England that folks over there are rethinking the idea of giving home made gifts.The magazine found that 31% of us are planning to cut present spending this year, with just 11% planning to spend more. But instead of cutting friends and relatives off the gift list altogether, 33% are planning to make and give homemade presents – up from 8% last year. You can read all about it here. See what you think, and let me know.
And by the way, as a thank you for visiting the site, just email me, and I’ll email you a copy of my article, Six Ways to Make Your Life More Creative. It’s not terrifying at all.