Happy Birthday to George M. Cohan (composer of You’re A Grand Old Flag)
Cohan always claimed to be born on the 4th July. He was not. He always said he thought the flags and fireworks were to celebrate his birthday but George M. Cohan was actually born on July 3, 1878. It just seemed to him that he SHOULD have been born on the country’s birthday so he just skipped the true part and went to what should have happened. Sometimes a sense of humor helps us set nature’s mistakes right.

Happy Birthday to US⁄

July 4 is the birthday of Malia Obama, Ann Landers, Neil Simon, Gina Lollobrigida, Calvin Coolidge, and Louis B. Mayer as well as George M. Steinbrenner and belove composer Stephen Foster who dreamed of Jeannie With The Light Brown Hair. Except for Malia, these are people no one born in recent decades has ever heard of, but there you are.
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, lifelong patriots and adversaries, died on the same day, July 4,1826 Both were former presidents but their relationship became more bitter over the years until finally John Adams wrote a conciliatory note to Thomas Jefferson which began a healing through correspondence that lasted the rest of their lives..
John Adams started America’s birthday feeling well and looking forward to the Independence Day Celebration. He was suddenly taken ill and died with the sounds of the celebration around him. His last words were “Jefferson still lives.” But Thomas Jefferson had died five hours earlier.
Now you’re probably thinking this email wasn’t funny, but sometimes you have to tell a great story. This is part of our heritage as Americans so today we use the other meaning of humor – a mood or state of mind.May our state of mind and the state of the union stand strong.
“The United States is the only country with a known birthday.”
James G. Blaine
Ninety eight percent of the adults in this country are decent, hardworking, honest Americans. It’s the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then, we elected them.
– Lily Tomlin