Big day today, January 24, when we celebrate Beer Can Appreciation day. This is true. It’s the anniversary of the day in 1935 when beer was first sold in cans.

(Note: we are appreciating the can only. Appreciation of the contents goes to another time and place.) There’s a lot you can do with old beer cans (which you might find, empty, at the side of the road). You can sell them on eBay, and the labels of 12th Man Pale Ale (Federal Way) are being carefully crocheted into hats for Seahawks Fans. I don’t know what sort of beer labels Broncos Fans collect.
January 24 is also National Compliment Day. This is a day to pass sincere compliments on to friends and coworkers. Great opportunity to offer sincere appreciation to the people around you. What do you admire about them? What do you admire about me? What’s your best trait? What do you hate to be complimented upon? Leave a note on someone’s desk with a word of appreciation. Make a point of passing on at least 5 compliments every day. Did I mention that I think you’re wonderful? Join in our daily Letter of Laughter. What makes you laugh?
Something to try at home: When our kids had birthdays, each of their siblings had to express a sincere compliment before they could have cake. It was fun to watch the innocent little faces change color as they
struggled to think of something nice to say about brother or sister.
National Compliment Day was started in 1998 by Kathy Chamberlin of Hopkinton, NH and Debbie Hoffman of Concord, NH. In other words, they made it up. National Make Up Your Own Holiday day is coming on March 26. Start planning now. What would you like to celebrate?