TODAY IS ALBERT EINSTEIN’S BIRTHDAY. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALBERT. Albert asked lots of questions I never even dreamed needed asking so it’s fitting that today is also International Ask A Question Day. This is our day to ask life’s imponderable and pretty much unanswerable questions. Or even ridiculous and dumb questions. Like, “How did you get all ruined like that” as one of the kids asked me. How do you answer a question like that?
My Number Three son teaches in a classroom that was once Albert Einstein’s bedroom. The room is way too small but he refuses to move. Who’d want to give up the possibility that that aura might rub off?
This day provides an opportunity for questions way beyond “Have you seen the size of the cable bill?” “Why is all that fuzz on my new sweater, and what is that on my shoe.? I mean, I’m a mother so you can really ask me anything you want.” I asked my kids, “What’s the best advice you ever received from your Mother?” Number one Son answered, “If you do that again, you’ll get hit.” Number Two Son, “Always dance with at least one girl who isn’t getting to dance – you’ll meet some great girls.” Number three son, If you carry Kitty Litter in the back of the car, you’ll never get stuck on an icy street.” He doesn’t use this advice as much since he moved to California. Number Four Son remembers, “Be responsible.” And Number two daughter remembers, “Never give up.” And Number One Daughter“ remember that I always told the story that love is like a bird, If you hold it too tightly you’ll crush it. Leave it free, and chances are it will return.” I did always say that. Daughter adds, “I notice it’s more likely to return if you have a few chocolate chips in your hand.”
So there you, are. International Ask A Question Day. This is also π Day, Potato Chip Day, and Science Education Day. And Moth-er Day. Why would they have days like that? Get the answers at http://www.daysoftheyear.com