Tuesday, May 20 is Weights and Measures Day, Pick strawberries Day and Be a Millionaire Day.
I don’t feel like anything weighty, so I say, lets pick some strawberries and settle down to think about the Millionaire Moments in our lives – that we might miss if we’re too focused on the small stuff. In this picture, you see me at lunch this afternoon with a new friend of mine, Wilma Rosenow. Wilma looks forward to her weekly lunch with her daughter, and a nice glass of red wine. Wilma is 106 years old. Yes, 106. On a recent birthday, she was given a ride on a Harley, and she’s looking forward to her birthday in July when she will be 107 years old. Looking forward to each day, and enjoying life. Chances are for the birthday party, her friend Darrell from Destination Harley will bring her favorite ride by. And a couple of years ago, her special guest was a Barn Owl from Pt. Defiance Zoo. He didn’t get to stay. Last year, Darrell brought her a three wheeler so she could ride by herself.
It’s a customary thing for speakers and ministers to say “Imagine that this is the last day of your life, how would you live it.” I’m going to turn that around. What if you believed you were going to live to be 107? No limits. What couldn’t you accomplish? What could we do together?
Wilma says her morning prayer begins, “Lord, you have given me this day. Thank you.” Amen, Darlin’. You’ve made us all millionaires.