The fun of a blog is what you can share. Earlier in the week, we had some fun with the weiner octopodes, so I went through my files to find a few more edible creatures. My favorite is the penguin and igloo but nobody can resist a fat green bull frog. Now naturally this looks like a Christmas treat but the igloo is cream cheese formed in a small bowl. This recipe has blue cheese, and I’ve got to say it’s not as popular as I’d hoped. Next time I make it, I will change the cheese. But you know everyone loves penguins. All you need is one very plump and large black olive and one anemic small pitted black olive. Oh, and carrot circles. Now, just
slit the big olive down the front and stuff his plump little body with cream cheese, Using the plumed cocktail pick, fasten little head to little body. Now here’s the clever thing. Cut a wedge from a carrot circle, and stick it into the little penguin head making a beak. Now, the pick goes on into the carrot circle and there they stand, absolutely adorable. I’m personally fond of the bunny cupcakes and cake. And naturally there breathes no one so dull that they don’t love a big green bull frog. What’s your favorite edible creature? Remember that our goal is to make every day a celebration.