Now we’re getting somewhere. Breathes there the soul who doesn’t loooove tortilla Chips? I will answer. Of course not.
By the way, if you find yourself with company descending, and not a tortilla chip in the house,

you can make very tasty ones by cutting plain old tortillas (I’m just assuming you have them in the house of course, maybe propping up a table leg or something.) Anyway, cut the tortillas into wedges, season extravagantly, and bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes – maybe less. Keep an eye on them . Serve warm. To tell the truth, I think they’re better than most store brands.
Today is also World Bartender Day. I’m not quite sure how to celebrate. My mother was a bartender and, as a teen ager, I was none too proud of that, but she worked hard, and she loved people and they loved her. She taught me to always tip generously because women, generally, don’t. Unique among bartenders, she was allergic to alcohol, so she was much in demand. So let’s celebrate with a favorite drink – I love White Russians – and remember to tip generously.