Dorothy Wilhelm • ">Speaker • writer • coach •
May 9 – Military Spouse Appreciation Day -This one is of course most close to my heart. I spent twenty years as a Military Spouse

and many more years following in my hearts my daughter and daughters in law who were military spouses too. For us it was a grand life. We saw and learned so much that would not have been possible other wise. I remember landing in Taipei and looking across the plane’s wing to see a water buffalo staring in at me. Generalissimo Chiang Kai Check and Madam Chiang frequently passed us in motorcade. I wouldn’t say they were great neighbors.
Military spouses comprise an unshakable family. When I drive onto Ft. Lewis, or see the Run to Remember spouses going past my house on Saturday morning, I am proud that it’s my family in a way that would be hard to explain of course.
We were part of of the years when soldiers came home to be cursed and spat upon after Korea and Vietnam. My answer was to have a picture made of our soldier about two feet square which I put in the front window. That was before YouTube.
But there’s a fine two minute video on You Tube Now that helps to put that in perspective. Thank You For Your Service:
Also today:
It’s fitting that today is Lost Sock Day since yesterday was Socks Off day. It stands to reason that we’d never be able to find all of the socks. I have a little plastic box in the laundry room with the other half of the lost socks pair, so that you can make a pair when the lost one turns up. Fat chance. However, the lost socks are great for making puppets.It’s also Moscato Day. I didn’t know what that meant but it turns out that it’s a sweet white wine made from Moscato grapes. Who knew?