May 6 – No Homework Day, No Diet Day Here’s one you may wish to hide from your children! Although if they don’t know about it, then there would not be many folks left to celebrate No Homework Day!

That’s right, this was the day where children can tell their teachers and parents in complete honesty that they will not be doing their homework, in order to mark this special day. Spend some long hours on that favorite video game, go and hang out at the mall with friends, or just go to bed and catch up on needed sleep! Whatever is decided, children, university students, and even some of you mature students with impending homework deadlines can take a well-deserved break. This should be a popular holiday with teachers because it’s also National Teachers Day. It is a day nevertheless to say put down the books and relax. (Unless, of course, you have a big exam or paper due the next day!) I’ll ask my son, Dr. Chris, what he thinks about no homework because today, May 6, is also his birthday. I won’t tell you which one, because I’m not crazy. May 6 is also No Diet Day A day dedicated to raising awareness of how unhealthy dieting can be harmful, or respecting and accepting body types, and promoting healthy eating rather than dieting. No Diet Day aims to help to teach people to have a healthy relationship with food, and to ditch restrictive diets and the harmful results they often have, such as anorexia and body-type perceptions in the media. Tomorrow, May 7, will be Roast Leg of Lamb and School Nurse Day. I’m not sure how we’ll make those go together, but I am sure we will. Get ready to celebrate. Meet me back here at this same time, and I’ll have more equally rewarding ideas for celebration.